Busy months for startups…

calfsmartRun by CEO Ben Neal, CalfSmart is an intelligent, automated system for calf rearing. Neal’s system identifies each calf through an ear tag and is able to customise individual nutritional feeding plans for each one. All the data gathered by the system is delivered to a touch screen on the feeder, as well as to any computer or smart phone, making it easy and efficient to use. Since BCC’s last news update, CalfSmart has acquired several customers around the North Island and installed their automated feeders.

The company closed their most recent round of fund-raising, successfully achieving their half million target from MIG Angel investors. “Our successful funding will mean the ability for us to start building products and secure the procurement of parts from overseas,” says Neal. “Now we should be ready for our next installation period which will be between Christmas and March.”

biolumicBiolumic has also been having a run of successes lately, especially with their North American trial customer. “We are coming to the end of the first stage of our iceberg lettuce trials with our US trial customer, and so far they have been a success,” says Biolumic CEO Warren Bebb. Biolumic is an especially ground breaking organisation, developing the world’s first UV crop enhancement system. The company, using technology developed by Massey University researcher Jason Wargent, applies UV treatments to young plants, priming them to thrive and survive. Trials in New Zealand and Australia have shown a 26% increase in total yield.

BioLumic is in the process of raising a round of funding. The funding will help them progress customer acquisition, says Bebb. “It will also advance our development of UV treatments for other crops, diseases and seeds.”

polybaticsLastly, PolyBatics has acquired a key partnership with Spanish based distribution company which will help them break into European markets. It could take them up to two years to complete the European regulatory process, but they are hopeful that their product registration will be finalised much sooner here in New Zealand where trials are nearing completion.

PolyBatics’ unique technology harnesses the natural power of cells to create polymer particles that perform specific functions. They have used this to create Assign-bTB, a bovine skin test reagent for tuberculosis, which is still a risk for livestock. The skin test continues to be tested and reviewed by end users in the UK, Ireland and US with very good feedback. Polybatics is currently in the process of planning their next round of fund-raising, which will go towards further testing and product development.

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