Entrepreneur in Residence


Stu+BradburyBCC is excited to announce a new team member, , in the role of Entrepreneur in Residence. His main focus will be supporting Sprout companies.

The Entrepreneur in Residence role will encompass:

* Supporting Sprout companies through both strategic and operational activity

* Working closely between company and market to ensure rapid progress to product/market fit for Sprout companies

* Assisting Sprout programme with curriculum and strategy to provide best value to agritech entrepreneurs and wider sectors

“I’m excited to get the chance to work with some of New Zealand’s most interesting and innovative minds and learn about their successes and challenges. I hope to help by looking at things from a different perspective,” explains Stu.

Stu has extensive experience in commercialising products and services in the agricultural sector and has developed strong exit planning skills. He was the founder and CEO of ‘Where’s my Cows’ which was acquired by Lindsay Corp USA in 2010, and is the current Managing Director of Agrioptics, a Precision Agriculture (PA) specialist with a focus on crop sensors and farm and field mapping.

“I’m looking forward to helping companies bring their ideas and prototypes to the New Zealand and global markets,” says Stu.

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